Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm thankful for every one's prayers. My prayer for our family is to heal, and grow strong in the Lord. I am so aware today of the fact of what I do will affect my children and their own walk with God. They have such this love and desire to serve and follow Christ, why I would choose to make choices that would hinder them boggles my mind. When friends and family became aware of the situation and started to prayer this veil has lifted from my eyes. Please continue to pray that our family will heal, and that we all grow and stay strong in Him, and not be blinded by the enemy.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


A few days ago Autumn & Summer asked if they could get Facebook, I went ahead and let them. I saw all if these people on from church, family, and old high school friends. So I decided to get one too. I have to say a little addicting! After going on FB tonight I got this burden to pray for family & friends that have fallen away from Christ. I remember in school (private christian high school) people had the dreams to become strong Christian leaders, I would have to say most have fallen away from the Lord. There is also family members that have fallen away from their beliefs. I am going to continually lift them up in prayer.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Nice relaxing day off....NOT!

OK, so today was supposed to be a day all to myself, eight inch's of snow decided otherwise. Not that it was terrible having everyone home, it was just in my mind that I would have the day to do some errands, and just relax in a nice QUIET home. It all started when Steve was leaving for work at 6:30 this morning. I am almost back to sleep when he flips on the bedroom light, and says his car's stuck in the street, and he needs to change his clothes and dig it out. So the good wife that I am , =) I throw on some clothes, and help him in the FREEZING cold.
He end's up calling into work saying he's going to stay home.
The worst part of the extra snow we got is that WNL got cancelled for the youth group. We went to the rehearsal last night, it was fantastic! It is so great to see them all work together, and have a blast as they do it. It was great to see Autumn give her testimony. I know next Wednesday, lives are going to be touched by the boldness of the testimonies. Keep praying

Finally a few pics of JT in the snow, and Lacy (who probably has been out at least 15 times today, she loves the snow!)

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The other day at work there was this sweet grandma looking around the store just enjoying all the new colors of spring. I overheard her saying to another associate that she still had some gifts for her grandchildren for Christmas that she had not yet given to them because she has not seen them. I actually got a little teary eyed as I heard this. When my grandma's were still living and I would go home to visit my parent's and family I always thought it was an obligation to go and see them. Now that they have both past away I regret that I didn't take some extra time to visit and let them know how much they meant to me. I am going to do my best to just take the time and enjoy my family. lol....as I am writing this I have a little boy making it very hard to concentrate as he is watching the NHL all star super skills competition and trying to imitate what he sees. I better go and enjoy the show, because tomorrow will be here way to soon.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thankfully, under His Grace

I just got finished reading Autumn's blog for the day, and all I can say is wow. My own daughters blog just makes me stop and think is my faith that strong? It's a great feeling knowing that in today's world I have the reassurance that my teens put their faith in Christ. When I was a teen I always thought, oh some day I will serve the Lord, it will be easier when I am an adult. I know now that was a lie from Satan, He will say anything to you at any age to get you to fall away from the Lord. Even as an adult I have made stupid decisions that I look back on and wonder what was I thinking??? Thankfully I serve an AWESOME God that accepted me, forgave me, and by His grace only I am the proud mom of three great kids, and the wife of a great guy.

Matthew 6:14
For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I am so tired! You are probably thinking, then go to bed! I want to, but I need to wind down from work. Today was inventory...scanning, counting, recounting, my mind's numb. At least I am off tomorrow with the kids, that doesn't happen that often lately.

Last night we went to Chuck E. Cheeses for a birthday party of one of J.T.s friends from school. You can't imagine how busy it was, they actually have a policeman standing at the entrance...CRAZY!!!!!!! OK, so my whole point was I had this thought sitting there that what if the rapture would take place right now, you would have all of these parents hysterical, looking for their kids. It just made me realize that the world is going to be in total chaos (more than now) We have made this pact at home to pray for all of our loved ones that are not saved daily. Pastor Marc made me realize today that we need to tell them about His love and grace. We can't just say oh I'm praying God will do the rest. We have hands, mouths, etc....for a purpose!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby it's cold outside!!

Think warm sunny beach....ahhhhh